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I am a freelance network- and it-technician based in the Lake Constance Region in Austria with around 15 years of experience in the field of IT-administration and networking-technology. For business related stuff you can find me on LinkedIN
Since 2009 I am a licensed amateur radio operator with my activities mainly based in Vorarlberg (prefix OE9). Straight after receiving my license, I engaged into the hobby and i am mostly active on digital technologies (APRS, PACTOR, HAMNET). As a wireless-LAN enthusiast I am serving currently as coordinator of the HAMNET-Network in the most-western province of Austria and I am the operator of the “T2AUSTRIA” APRS server and several other infrastructure services at the OE9XFP Datacenter in Feldkirch. For further information look me up on QRZ.com. My Callsigns are OE9FRV and HB9HEX.
I operate AS47251.net.